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School Meals/Menu/FSM

Our school meals are very tasty and we are pleased that Dolce are our school caterers.  Remember that there is no cost for a school meal in Reception, Years One and Two and the benefit for the children to have a hot, nutritious dinner inside them is widely documented.

All school meals are ordered and paid via 'live-kitchen'.  In order to access this facility, the school office must pre-register your child, at which point you will be e-mailed a log-in and password.

Payment of School Meals

School meals are payable in advance for all children in Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6) and Nursery. Meals are free for all children in Reception and Years 1-2.

The cost of a School Meal is £2.60 for Nursery children and £2.95 for children in Years R to Year 6 per day and can be paid via the ordering system within the website of Live Kitchen. 

You can choose your meal through the same link.

If you think you may be eligible for benefit-related free school meals, please speak to the office in confidence.  Also, there is additional information in the letter below.

Any questions, please speak to Melissa or Claire in the Office.