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Breakfast Club


What time is the club open?

The club opens daily at 7:45am and runs to the start of the school at 8:45am. Children will be escorted to their classrooms by our Breakfast Club team in time for registration.

Do I need to pre book?

Yes, sessions must be booked and paid for in advance via School Gateway.  The sessions are live now for the whole of next year.

Where will the Breakfast Club be?

The Breakfast Club will be based in the school hall with access via the fire door near to where the minibus is parked.  There will be no access to the main school. The children will be able to access the toilets once inside. For the safety of your children, a staff member will sign your child(ren) in each morning.

How much does the Breakfast Club cost?

Payment should be made at the time of booking, but MUST be cleared by the last day on each calendar month.

1 session per child without breakfast        - £4:00            Additional siblings are £2.00 each

1 session per child with breakfast              - £5:00            Additional siblings are £2.50 each

There is no additional charge for Nursery children being looked after until Nursery starts at 9.00am