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At Offley Endowed School we believe that Maths is for life and it is our aim to ensure that all of our children cultivate both a love for numbers and a passion for reasoning, problem solving and mental fluency.

Children are taught maths as a discrete subject every day. In Reception this will be approximately 20 minutes of an adult directed activity moving to around 45 minutes in year 2 and 60 minute lessons across years 3 – 6. Most lessons will begin with an oral/mental warm up activity followed by the main body of the lesson. During this time the children may work independently, in pairs or as a group. They may present their work on whiteboards, in their books or even on large sheets of sugar paper. We often photograph these pieces and collate them in the children’s books for future use.

Learning is grouped into units e.g. Place Value; Addition and Subtraction. From year 2 the children stick targets into their books for each unit and jointly review their progress with their teachers.

In addition, our children will use and apply their maths skills in other lessons e.g. data analysis in a science lesson and will also be encouraged to problem solve and apply reasoning skills to lessons which do not appear to have any other direct mathematical content.

We do not follow one scheme of work, instead we draw from a range of resources available in school and on line. The overview of what each child will learn in each year group is under the Year group sections below.  

Year Group Maths Curriculum