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Raise money for Offley Endowed Primary School and Nursery when you shop online (at no extra cost to you!)

Please don't forget our fundraising initiative which will help raise much needed funds for the school and it couldn’t be simpler for you to help!

Whenever you buy anything online, you could be raising a free donation for Offley Endowed Primary School and Nursery. So far over £9 million has been raised through for good causes throughout the UK.

There are nearly 3000 retailers including Amazon, John Lewis, Aviva, thetrainline and Sainsbury’s who will give a free donation to the school every time you shop with them online and the best bit is that it doesn’t cost you a penny extra. Sign up at and collect free donations on all your Christmas shopping, supermarket shops, travel and much more.

If you shop on your mobile or tablet, get the free easyfundraising app and you’ll never miss a donation. To get it, visit the App Store or Google Play and search ‘easyfundraising’ or find more here:

How it works….

1. Start at easyfundraising

Let’s say you want to buy a book from Amazon. Instead of going to directly, you first go to

2. Make a purchase

From the easyfundraising website, click through to Amazon to make your purchase. This tells Amazon you came from easyfundraising. The price of the book is exactly the same.

3. Get a donation

After you buy your book, Amazon will make a donation for your good cause. Easyfundraising automatically collect this and send it on to the school at no extra cost.

4. Get the easyfundraising Donation Reminder

You can skip steps 1 and 2 with the easyfundraising Donation Reminder. Just click the reminder when you shop to receive any eligible donations. You’ll never forget a free donation again!

Pretty much anything that you buy online could be helping our school.


Thank you for your support.

Mr Edwards

Offley Endowed Primary are always looking at ways to provide more exciting curriculum and extra curricular things for the children to do.  With shrinking Government support and budgets, we rely more and more on the generosity of our parents and the local community to help with projects around the school.  The Offley School Association do an amazing job of helping to raise funds and we have recently used fundraising money to purchase a new lighting system in the hall, over £2000 of new reading books for our younger readers and new dictionaries and thesaurusus for our older children.  

There are always new projects on the horizon and the OSA have expressed an interest to help fund some additional staging and lighting in the summer of 2022.   Any help in any fundraising matters is always greatly appreciated.

We have now raised enough money to buy our very own minibus.  The OSA (Offley School Association) have raised £4,000 to donate to the school with the school contributing the rest, using some of our Sports Premium money.  We have to also pay for the tax, insurance, sign writing and for teachers to pass the Herts Minibus test, before we are safe to take the children out.  The Crowdfunding appeal organised by Offley School Association (especially Corey) has been a fantastic success raising over £1000 in just over two weeks.   

Many thanks for everybody in helping the school fund this project and for some very generous individual donations.  The ‘Burns supper’ in the village hall was a great community event and we were very grateful for their kind donation towards the minibus appeal. We have also received donations from local grants,  parents, the School Disco and some MUFTI days.

If you would like to help out with any fundraising events; please talk to the OSA or me.

Many many thanks for your continued support. 

Mr Edwards